
Rabin Square, the most known square in Israel, where the influential and significant rallies take place, at the center of Tel Aviv, is on regular days a popular place for gatherings of all sorts – children and parents looking for a safe spot away from cars, elderly people and their caretakers who come to enjoy the breeze, people on their lunch break, or young couples. It offers shade and the comforting sound of fountain water. The city hall is overlooking the square giving it a formal atmosphere

What is unknown to most users of the square, are the various points of view it offers to the city and its surroundings. Our walk focused on lost or hidden spots that even those who pass through it regularly can easily miss. We wanted to offer a different perspective of this very known area, to let people rediscover it. We walked around it, above it and through it, pointing out spots that tell the history of the square as well as its uses today, elements that are not pure information, but part of the local experience. We overlooked Iben Gabirol St. To see how this central place interacts with the streets around it, and through this, to understand the urban process Tel Aviv is going through. Our final point of view was from the top floor of city hall, where the far view of the 12 story building revealed the square in its large urban context. It was almost possible to imagine how Tel Aviv would look like in ten years time – transformed from a low level city to a grid of high rises.

It was important to us to invite members of the hearing impaired and deaf community, accompanied by a sign-language translator, since we believe all people in the city should be able to participate in the Jane's Walk events. It was difficult for us to make this happen, nevertheless the walk was done with translation, and the dialog was fruitful – it was a real opportunity for everyone to have a walk in an unusual language for most of the participants.

About us:
Elisheva Zeltser – Architect and street journalist, specialists in Graffiti and street art. Writes notes in her blog: www.elishevanotes.com
Yonatan H. Mishal:
Urban explorer, writer and artist. Part of CTLV tour collective in Tel Aviv: ctlv.org.il
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לרשימה הבאה
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